get ehren a hotel room w/ all tile floors get him fucked up drunk eat "special" brownies with laxative in em wait 4 him to pass out ... butter the fuck outta his hotel room .. he wakesm up shits gonna ...
Fix a toilet so that when someone flushes it, the toilet will shoot the poop back up.When someone needs to poop tell them the bathroom is this way (lead them to the fixed toilet.)Once you hear the flu ...
Have the old man and woman come back and start doing it in a chucky cheese or matress store,maybe tryin to get into a night club or falling asleep in a weird spot..STREAKING OR UNDER WEAR WALKING IN A ...
Go up to an animal and slap it in the face or pull out its ball hair! Stupid yes ...funny yes lol ...
the jackass crew stand in a circle and shoot the arrow above them and the last person to run wins ...
Use one of those big slingshots, and launch someone way the hell in the air into a lake. ...
Get your friend wasted till he passes out. You then put some flour and water with a bit of salt in the microwave just to make it warm an thiCkin till it looks like sperm. then get a hot dog. ok have o ...
Dress up the Jackass guys like women, including high heels. Place them in a rodeo arena. Have the Jackass crew sit at a table in the middle of the rodeo. Act out a bad theatre play with the crew discu ...