Fill an olympic-sized pool with jell-o and get someone to do a dive off the high dive into it, perhaps on fire, or naked, something to make it worth while because if you just wanted them to do a dive ...
everyone has a habanero eating contest and the losers pending on their place has to be punished. last place has to drink a bowl of habanero salsa wih don vitos back hair in it. second to last has to m ...
Set up a large maze in a field. However, there are no walls to the maze, just outlines on the ground. The prank is in that the bikes are rigged with the same devices that prevent people from stealing ...
when someone is putting on the green....have someone run up and use the flag as a stripper pole... ...
Hook up one of the single jackasses with a girl who may be too young and have her invite him to her house where Chris Hansen appears on "To Catch a Predator." Do the whole thing as if the Jackass is ...
Crane You need a giant crane with a magnet. Medieval GarbSteve O, Preston, Wee Man, Johnny and Bam dress up in medieval suits of armor. Obviously, using authentic metal suits. Obstacle CourseSetup do ...
In a nutshell...go donate blood at a one of those buses that just drives around and parks at shopping malls etc...act confused about the ENTIRE process. I mean, like you have NO idea whats about to ha ...
Picture this ... a 200ft diving board with Preston Lacy standing on top. Looking into the water below.... looking quite shallow now. Preston leaps off, flying through the air, stretching out as he app ...
Find a freshly calved cow,preferably reasonably tame.... or notGet on hands and knees and drink the thick cholostrum straight from the cow, all cholostrum must be swallowed.Must not stop drinking unti ...