![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Get a couple of passed movies, the giant shopping cart and the giant rocket, make a few more of the giant rockets and strap them to the cart. then throw everyone in and launch them of a huge ramp of s ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Simple, hilarious stunt: Dress someone up as Tarzan and tie a rope to trees on a park, next to a sidewalk. Body slam STUNTMEN ***NOT*** CIVILIANS on Bikes, rollerskates or skateboards.. Hilarity will ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Semi nude twister game and while your playing every so often you get shot with paintball guns. ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Get on top off a building with a jump off platform (put an inflatable cushion on the bottom of the drop) Have your friends or a type of machine spin you around till you are completely dizzy Once you a ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
This contest can be the ultimate prank on a fan- or another one can be created. Upon winning, the first day of the "prize" can start with a flight on a crappy airline with 2 long layovers. (one can b ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Tie a skipping rope/s to pontious' wang and play double dutch, if someone falls on the rope thats gotta hurt ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
This is simple, Yet fun to get random people reactions. Just go through a city, town, store, yelling out trust fall and falling backwards at people to see if they will catch you. Go up to peoples cars ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Prank is played on Ehren: Have Johnny knoxville and Danger Ehren on Jimmy Kimmel with the premise that Johnny is going to do some trick with a gun. When Johhny and Ehren are on the set, have a reason ...
![Wonder How To Logo](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/Logos_Wonder_How_To_color_light_21e00e7b4a.webp)
Sneak into someones bedroom while they're asleep, pull the pin of one of these Hornet's Nest Sting Grenades, toss it in and give them the most painful wake up of their lives. ...