News: Hot Monkey Love

Hot Monkey Love

Hot Monkey Love

Hot Monkey Love

Hot Monkey Love

Chris Pontius is blindfolded & handcuffed and is led to either a glory hole or to sit astraddle a chair where he is further restrained.

A small young female chimpanzee or small young female orangutan is brought into the room. A second small young female chimpanzee or small young female orangutan can be optional. (No boy monkeys please, we don't want make this skit even more disturbed AND ALSO GAY!)

The monkey/monkies is then trained to then perform an act of fellatio on Pontius and possibly also to use a sex toy go in the 'backdoor' on Pontius!

EWWWWW!  BLAAAGH! Talk about crossing the boundaries of pleasure & pain.

Also, this proposal could be repeated on the other Jackass guys as well; but we may not want to over use & wear out those poor monkey/monkies now do we???

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