Ok this is what you would do: get a big black bag, one big enough to fit a body in, and fill it with rotting meat and fake blood. Hail a cab and bring the bag into the back of the cab with you, you of ...
To Start Off I'm 16 So I Know I Won't Be Able To Win But I'm Hoping That I Could Inspire You Guys To Do This Prank But It's Okay If You Don't Want Too. Anyways The Prank Is That Someone Stands Out On ...
well my idea was that you grab a horn and start to horn at everyone till they can't hear well. the original idea came from a wake up prank i use to do with my buddies in new years eve who ever felt as ...
For this prank you will need to find a farm with either horse or cow manure, you will need a standard shoebox, and lighter fluid. You place the manure inside the shoebox, and soak the manure, the box ...
the unexpecting guest entersthe trailer where the party iswalks down the main hall way twards the back to the party others lure them back to the trap door the trap doo opens they shale fall five feet ...
Ok wait till one of you guy's are asleep an put a narly tattoo on him, than take a bunch of animals like they would have at a zoo an put him with the animals. Before he wakes up make sure he is laying ...
well first you would have to find good bouncing balls. (basketballs would work great!) then find different angles you can bounce the ball into the victims sack. causing pain and a laugh. ...
Split people in two teams, one team will dress like bunnies and run around the open feild while the other team will shoot paintball pellets at them :) ...
theres a porta potty on the deck of a boat tell the victom to use the porta poty cause the one on the boat is broken when they use the poty they will be gassed with helium then hydrolicly forced out o ...