Throw sticks of dynamite into sewage treatment plant's holding tanks. Get a surfboard and catch the wave. ...
Have about 10 guys In a small, pitch black room, each armed with two electric fly swatters. Once the lights go off, it's every man for himself in an all-out, spark-filled brawl. I would suggest a stro ...
Release a bunch of octopus in a hot tub and wait for people to freak out. ...
Throw a giant bob for apples challenge in a pool. Tie everyone's arms to their sides and dress them up like mermaids, tails, bikinis and all. Give them a giant scuba flipper. The balls are bull balls, ...
Imagine a Jackass movie with all girls in it. Let's show everyone how a girl can do everything these jackass stars can do. We'd just need to change it up a bit.Instead of punching eachother in the p ...
Alright, this one is for Preston. Go to a ghettofab grocery store and ride one of those fat carts around in a bathrobe slightly ajar. You must wear really thick bi-focals so nobody will notice you and ...
Send April and Phil away for the day, limo, nice dinner all that. While they are gone, annouce a free concert to everyone in town and online, put a stage on top of the roof, with all the sound equipm ...
You have electric dog fence placed randomly throughout a field and have each of the jackass crew strap electric dog collars on their legs and arms and have them try and get through the field without g ...