The Jackass fellas try and prove they have balls by walking over hot coals, the goal is to see who can last the longest ...
This one is really easy and really cool. Someone needs to inflame his hair and then he extinguishes it- with a hammer! I really like this ideaxD ...
This is going to happen to Bam so don't tell him!!! For this to be the ultimate prank on Bam have his parents be in on it. Rig Bam's bed so that when he's asleep you press a button or pull a switch fo ...
Ehren and Dave are placed in cozy cars. Then Bam, and Knoxville push them down a hill, whoever gets to the bottom first is the winner ...
just arrive at a store or public place in a school or tour bus that has the sign on the sides: "ASSociation of People with Tourettes Syndrome (A.P.T.S)" and have Johnny Knoxville as the Suit and Tie D ...
Build a Shack or get a shack on top of a big steep hill.Name it something like: "Full Body Massage" (Flyers are optional).Rig it so that when they wait for their massage they have sit in a chair Weari ...
Find a great location, set up area with an attractive advertisement sign charging $5 for the foot bath, a recliner, foot tubs filled with poo & labeled with scented poo names and tubes of water. Each ...
alright this might be dangerous but fun. it would involve going some place where people get really offended. everyone has a car and some else gets to paint it how every they want. the goal is to get p ...
Preston dressed as a woman in a wheel chair being pushed down the street. She (Preston) screams bloody murder and that he/she isn't gonna make it. A fake cop/or doctor (Tremain) is standing on the c ...