Well, five days into the contest and our submissions box is flooded with poo.
You guys are 1) amazing & 2) chronically scatological. Poo fights, poo-filled balloons, poo-powered rockets, poo-slicked slides, poo-spiked drinks…you get the idea.
If you don't believe us, check it out here on the Submissions Corkboard.
Some points of clarification on the Contest:
1. No submission limit. Send in a billion ideas. Just make them original.
2. Poo-free pranks are accepted. Poo is not a required ingredient for your prank to win.
3. Contest end September 26th but we're reading your submissions now, so send them in now!
Submit your pranks here.
And in case you missed it, as special shout out from Knoxville himself:
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