Hot Jackass 3D Contest News Stories

News: boom boom bong

Ok this is pretty simple i have done this to a friend already a long time ago like back in 99 i was hanging out smoking some weed in a homemade device my friend had come to stay for the weekend and he didn't get any weed yet so i said ok let me go pack a bowl for ya i had about 3 lady finger firecrackers i pushed the wicks up thru the holes in the tin foil and packed the weed accordingly

News: grand pricks

get a bunch of cars and make a course where the cast is able to jump them. put rollcages and other safety features in the cars so the members do not get harmed.... critically. like a huge field with big dirt jumps and they can crash into shit like stacked port o johns. i think it would look good in 3d too.

News: Naughty Prank Ideas

If one of your is really messy then you can try this prank on them. It actually happened with me and believe me it works!! If the person concerned just doesn’t clean up his or her mess and from table or bed and you really find it irritating since that is the situation with most of us when we live in school or college hostels or when we share a flat. So to teach a lesson stick a sign on the bed and the wardrobe, which would say that the wardrobe and the bed are meant for piling waste and when ...

News: The Ultimate High Dive

I love Steve-O and I am not trying to put him into REAL danger, but I think to top all of his high dives and flips, he should jump from one of those cranes used in construction to place walls and stuff and land in some form of water or pad. It would be amazing and I think he would love it. If he hasn't already done it.

News: Impromptu Tear Gas Chamber

Step 1: Have most of the Jackass crew think they are doing a photo shoot for the upcoming movie. Schedule the shoot in a tear gas chamber that is dressed to look like a photo set. Have secret film cameras planted in the chamber so you don't have any obvious camera men walking around with gas masks on inside the room.

News: wagon hop

1 person gets into a wagon with rockets at the end of it then there will be a ramp and a shed in front of it the person will then set off the rockets and fly up the ramp over the shed an and land The Wagon jum

News: Terrifying Bam

So everyone knows from the previous Jackass movies that Bam is completely scared of snakes. This prank is pretty simple. In the early early morning sneak into Bam's room where he is sleeping and carefully put the Boa Constrictor in his bed and then wait for him to notice. For safety reasons you might want to have.... wait this is jackass no need to worry about safety till later LOL.

News: sh*t stain laundromat

buy like 3 packages of under ware and everytime you take a poop dont wipe and just wipe with your underware do that with all the underware when your done with doing that take all the underware inside out to the laudry mat and ask for help and when they come to help they see the siddies

News: Irish Vs. Scottish

This prank simply has Preson Lacy and Jason 'Wee man' Acuna in public dressed as Braveheart (blue face paint, kilt, fake sword, etc.) and a leprechaun (Orange wig, green clothing, gold coins, the works), respectively. Preston could fake a scottish accent and wee man could skate around until they meet each other. Wee man takes one look at Preston and runs with gold coins falling out of his pockets. The chase could also provide an opportunity to play any Dropkick Murpheys' song during the scene...

News: Yard Work

1)Call the septic service to rip up your friend's lawn and get shippudens all over the azaleas. 2)BE a solid supervisor (all up the workers asses) then try to put the loaf-hose in through the window of the house and ask them if there's a reverse switch.

News: Dirty Underpants

This is one of the funniest jokes I've ever thought : Johnny (or, again, whoever you want) will use his fingers for this one. He must be behind somebody, he rises his thumb and, fastly, put it in the guy's ass (try to hit the hole). This joke can be done with more than one finger :) .... The following one is a little bit less original, but it's good: it's called the "ass-divider". It's really simple, but funny as hell : Johnny goes behind a member of the crew and, really fastly and forcibly, ...


I have personally done this and its tons of fun so I thought I would share it with all you guys. Simply go to the thrift store or garage sale that has power wheels (kids grow out of them all the time) and then take out the battery and motor. Then set up a race going down a steep hill and race each other. Its ok the first time just normally but then add a even steeper hill and the rolls that gift raps come on and its a whole new level of fun.


So the prank starts where you find a resturant or some store that serves food. Walk in wearing Haz mat suits and holding gieger counter. Rig the gieger counter so there is a hidden button to make the thing start clicking. Go around the resturant and make it click when its near food that is on peoples table. At this point you can either leave it as it is and ask to speak to the manager or you can make it click crazily next to someone that seems to be enjoying there food a lot. When it clicks m...

News: Million Dollar Prank

Record an old lottery Ticket winning. Then get a group of friends over and make someone go get a lottery ticket but you have someone give them a specific Ticket you made. Then you and all your friends can watch the Recording and you can prank either one or alot of friends into thinking they just own millions of Dollars

News: old man and the bloody pool

ok i know lately the jack ass guys have had to resort to the old man bit to get some funny stuff in joe public so iv had this idea first as a high school prank but my friends thought it was just wrong so i assume its perfect for you guys (at least i think it would make a good prank) anyway. the prank goes that we go to some random public pool and fill the whole thing up with red die or enough to make it look like a body was thrown in there and then just throw some random plastic body parts li...

News: Terrible Smell

Johnny (as I think he loves making jokes) keeps in a hand one dirty absorbent (I think a girl may be helpfull for this one ;) pretty heavy menstruations are needed ). It doesn't have to be "fresh", it should be a little bit old (probably the smell will get worse with the time)... Johnny, furtively, goes behind somebody (of the crew, obviously) and slaps the absorbent on the guy's face (preferably on the mouth).... The reaction won't be so good, so a cup or something like that wouldn't be a ba...

News: The Jackass Olympic Games

Have you got the olympic balls!!!! Nuts this is going to hurt!!!! The Jackass Olympics is a test not only of athleticism but also what every true sportsman or in some case women should have balls of steel!!I foresee the event to be a close contest, with the winner being awarded what all winners should receive in this event fuck all but pain and a laugh!The Jackas Olympics wil consist of an opening & closing cermony with 3 main sporting events with a sick twist!Opening Cermony, the olympic ana...

News: Snake Office Trick

since bam is scared of snakes, get an office room with one door that can be locked from the outside. have 2 trapped vents in the wall filled with snakes ready to go and 1 trap in the ceiling filled with snakes. but when bam goes into the office lock the door & open all the trap vents and let the snakes go in the office room so he will freak out

News: What a Dirty Old Man!

Johnny is Irvin Zisman for this one, so let's call him Irvin ;) there will be Spike Jonze too, but he will be dressed as "Gloria", the old lady. They are husband and wife in this one.Irvin goes inside a toilet, in a restaurant or something like that, with Gloria. Irvin, after 15 seconds, begins to pant, making vocal sounds like when having sex, and he goes on doing this for a minute or less, and then he stops after a "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!". Gloria and Irvin get out of the toilet : Gloria is clea...

News: Bucket Race

Steve-O and Dave England (or whoever you want, I just chose them 'cause I think they have a predisposition to vomiting) are blindfolded and they are sitting in front of a table with 22 cups on it, 11 for each person, and the cups contain (every number marks a different cup): 1) vinegar + lemon 2) vinegar + milk 3) vodka + milk 4) tomato sauce + milk 5) oil + milk 6) coffee + salt 7) melted cheese + vinegar 8) Oil 9) mayonnaise + coffee 10) coke + milk 11) lemon + milk . All the ingredients in...