Hot Jackass 3D Contest News Stories

News: The Devil Toilet seat

You set up a toilet, could be a public toilet, or one at a fair ( it doesnt really matter where as long as people use it ), and play certain pranks when people are on it. When people they sit down they could get electricuted, stuck to the toilet, you put cling film over the toilet, a monter pops up when they lift up the toilet seat, when they flush the toilet poo explodes everywhere. That kind of thing!

News: Fake Prince Albert

step 1: create a convincingly real prosthetic penis with fake blood inside the head of the penis. step 2: have a jackass cast member (or myself) attempt the most gnarly piercing ever, the Prince Albert, with the cameras rolling.

News: Damn You Windows

Whenever someone unexpectingly logs onto a pc... a loud gunshot noise will come through the speakers of the said computer. Then we queue the lights and we all run in gung ho with some night vision goggles and fire some paintball guns at the unsuspecting, scared dude that just nearly shit his pants

News: Bombs Away

In this prank we would have to be on top of a building with a ton of condoms. We can fill them with lotion and water, or iceing and water to simulate sperm, and then yell bombs away and drop them on innocent people walking around. for the main event we could throw some cherry or rasberry filling or iceing and really screw with people. I know if that happened to me randomly I'd either cry or freak the fuck out

News: Skate Plates

For this one we get the whole group of skaters to just rip it up for a while and meanwhile Jeff has a switch that will screw with the ground and make it impossible for them not to fall and eat it

News: Bam's Biggest Fall

This one is screwed up and simple..... we set up Bam as if we are just doing a meet and greet and we get a hole and fill it with snakes.... the prank comes in as someone gets down on all fours and we tabletop his ass into the snake pit. as he is freaking out we all laugh our asses off and get paintball guns and just f him up

News: Run away baby!

Dress weeman up in a baby costume, put him in a buggy, and dress somebody up as an old lady ( maybe Spike? ) Walk around the town doing with the old lady having terrible accidents with the baby such as letting go of the buggy down a hill, smashing the buggy into certain things, falling on the curb etc. It could be called " Grandma and Baby " as opposed to " Daddy and Baby ". Also, as the baby is weeman, when people try to stroke the " baby " He says things like " do not fu*king touch me lady!...

News: Super Collider

A simple Idea. Two Catapults are set up with a person in each of them. There should be quite a distance between both of them. Water filled with piranhas/alligators/sharks (somthing bad) seperate the two people. They are launched and collide...Someone laughs, pukes or s**ts in retaliation

News: The Jizzcicle

Aright, so we would take the make your own popcicle things and fill one with any kid of jizz...person, animal..any kind. Freeze it. Then make a cast member eat it...i was thinking that we could draw names out of a hat.

News: Baby Wee-Man Birth

Set up one of the guys or an actual girl as a pregnant female in a restaurant and have her go into labor. She will lay down in a predetermined place over an area where Wee-Man is hiding underneath. Create a scene, have Preston pretend to be a patron/doctor in that restaurant and he begins to deliver the baby there on the spot. He throws a table cloth over her legs and out comes baby Wee-Man complete with diaper and pacifier. Covered in after-birth, Wee-Man comes out and runs around the restau...

News: Motel Room Renovation

first you have two people rent out two rooms right on top of each other using fake names. then you wait until like 1 o clock in the morning and cut a hole in the floor of the room.once that is complete you go to the front desk and tell the manager that you cant sleep because of the noise and that there is a problem with your room. when the manager comes in to the room and sees what happened wait till he or she threatens to call the police then run away as fast as you can!

News: Gross Mouth to Mouth

Okay so it begins with someone either me or one of the jackass crew in the classic old person makeup that makes them look as nasty as possible. Then we get in an elevator with unsuspecting people and the "old person" pretends to be having a heart attack or something. finally, then we convince one of the strangers to give the nasty-ass old man mouth-to-mouth resucitation :) the person playing the old man make it gross as possible and throw in some tongue moves too.

News: Ball-Bike Slam!

Hardcore duct tape and exercise ball to the front of a motorcycle or bike. Set a person up on top of a huge cliff over water or on top of a gnarly hill. Tape some more exercise balls to the person on the cliff, forming a sort of ball suit around him. then have the motorcycle or bike hit him at high speed, launching the ball suit guy and probably sending the bike driver over the cliff too.

News: Poo Suit

One of the boys puts on a see through or clear suit that covers their body excluding theirP head and fill the suit with some sort of vile liquid or solid most likely poo (diharea if possible) or vomit from all of the cast members. after filling he suit walk around some busy street and ask people for directions or something just keep in contact with people!!!

News: Number One and Number Two Go 3D

Start with a platform (just wide enough for someone to stand on) about ten feet in the air. This is our jousting area. Underneath the platform is an inflatable kiddie pool filled guessed it...poo. Not bad enough already, Knoxville and the rest of the crew are standing on ground level with pee filled water guns to add insult to injury. Who wouldn't want to see Steve-O knock Danger Ehren into a pool of poo? Not to mention the great 3D effect you can get with the water guns. A stroke ...

News: fake bed prank!!

fake bed prank .the fake bed prank is prety much a funny idea of a box filled with pie or puddingng maybe even poop if you desire.and covered with a cmferter or any bed covering and pillows possableythe prank is having a sucker jump or lie down on the bed look-a-like and sloosh into the joke for big dreamers.!!mike d.make a bed frame sized box with out the topmake the bed frame wood or cardboard budget impliedfill fill the box,jello pudding whipped cream babby oil if water proofed box/ cover ...

News: Number One and Number Two Go 3D

Number One and Number Two Go 3DSet up a platform, just wide enough for someone to stand on, about ten feet in the air. This is our jousting area. You know, the kind of jousting with the giant Q-tips. Underneath our jousting platform is an inflatable kiddie pool filled guessed it...poo. Too make things worse, on the ground surrounding this jousting match are Knoxville and the rest of the crew with water guns filled with pee. Try and tell me you wouldn't love to see Steve-O knock Ehr...

News: Air Bag Chair

i never stop laughing at this. somebody sits in a chair. somebody has a trigger button. a air bag is in the inside of the chair. ( recliner ). the air bag goes off and the person flys in the air. way up in the air. it can also be installed in a bed. the bed is best for a midnight prank.

News: Ice Cream Truck Abduction

Child abduction is not funny, but this will be. I've seen some sketchy ice cream truck drivers in the Cincinnati area and have always wondered which are for real and which are secretly out to steal unsuspecting children and their $2 in quarters. Heres what you do: Get a crappy looking ice cream truck. Get one of the creepier looking guys to drive it. Plant a child on a street corner/ busy area (similar to the child in the bad grandpa sketch). Truck pulls up innocently. Kid goes to get ice cre...

News: Electric Suit

get Chris Pontius in a fake interview, but have him (unknowing) wear an electric suit. Every once in a while, press the button to shock the hell out of him. In public it would work best, seeing as how he couldn't escape the suit in front of a crowd of people.

News: Down the Commode

Okay, I discovered (while googling a photo for such a thing) AFTER conceiving this idea for this prank that there was actually a mammoth-sized inflatable toilet- that we would need for this skit- shown in the Kate Winslet/Hugh Jackman movie, "Flushed Away" (which I have never seen.) So, to me, I still consider this an original idea of mine.

News: The King of Upper decks

For this one we get preston or phil. Its really simple. we put a hidden camera in a hotel's bathroom and then phil or preston will dump in the top part of the toilet to the extent to where it wont work anymore. upon calling housekeeping up they come in to find the most foul and disturbing thing in the toilet. or get the entire group to fill a toilet up with fecees and call up housekeeping