Hot Jackass 3D Contest News Stories

News: 3-D Banana Split

Find that 3-D chalk drawing guy and a well paved sidewalk.Have him draw banana peels all over, about 5 meters down the walk.Then place the real ones down just like he draws them.Try it out first. This one might be deadly if it works.Challenge your friend to a race that crosses the path they think is chalk.Warning: friend prank only! Civilians walking to work in suits and ties would most likely be angry if they get hurt and soil their attire.p.s. You all are a bunch of jackasses making people ...

News: Ehrens Wild Water Ride

My idea for a prank would be to screw with Ehren tricking him into a wild water ride. Remember that episode of nitro circus when one of the dudesens and one of the nitro crew were playing a crazy game of tug of war by bungee cording each other and riding quads which ended up with them both getting knocked off the bikes, well why not the same do but tweak it. What I was thinking is we are all on a nice beach and we decide to play that same tug of war game in the sand but blinded, and before we...

News: Bull in a China shop...

Hey guys, I know you guys like to incorporate bulls into some of your movies and shows. I was thinking you guys should act out the old phrase, "like a bull in a china shop". Rent out an old store, fill it with breakable china plates, vases, and maybe all kinds of breakable stuff from Bam's mom April's house. Incorporate some of the Jackass gang trying to avoid the angry bull, and you got yourself quite a mess, with possible injuries.

News: The Gorilla Tour-Guide

My prank will be on steve-o and chris pontius. This prank is also like the taxi prank because it is a reverse prank. Steve-o and chris will think that the prank is they will be pretending to get attacked by a man in a realistic gorilla suit, like the gorilla suit from an episode from mtv's punked. The real prank will be that a Herd of full speed bulls will run out into the gorilla enclosures and we get to watch Tour guides Steve and Chris run for their lives! Also there will be a pit of water...

News: Public Diaper Use

Do you ever go to a baseball game, football game or even the movies and always get up to take a poo or a piss. Well now you don't. How about Knoxville dressing up in old man and wearing a diaper to a game and letting it all out. Meaning taking a s**t and seeing how long people get grossed out by the smell. BETTER YET go into a movie theater were there is no ventilation and see how bad it gets. Or the same time walk into a room smelling like you are or in line and see the reaction by the peopl...

News: Crazy Old Poo Men

Basically what you do is go around the street as old people (again) and throw poo at people. but make it look like you just shat yourself and pull it out your pants and just lob it. totally awesome! the stunt involves all the jackass crew and i doesn't have to be real shit but you can if you want. hope to see you guys in hollywood.

News: Poo Swing

So here in the beautiful Oregon Willamette Valley I drive past a big dairy daily....and many times, they have huge sprinkler thingys that spray liquid manure all over the fields....let me tell you the poo rainbow is quite fancy...So I was thinking....what if you had set up one of those swing rides like they have at the fair...that spin around with lots of swings....and had the boyz ride it through the poo...whilst and at the same time possibly bouncing eachother in their swing chairs.....Than...

News: Clone a Willy

The entire Jackass crew should make clones of their junk with Clone a Willy kits, and hijinks can run wild. We can have contests where people have to feel everyone's junk, then identify their "clone". Or even try to guess the clone prior to feeling. Or we can just smack people with them. And at the end of the prank, we can auction the dildos for charity, or to pay for more beer. PS, I got 20 bucks saying Wee-Man isn't the smallest

News: Jackass Wax Stiffy

Back in November I visited The Hollywood Wax Museum on Hollywood Blvd. After pacing through the entire museum, I was bothered deep down in the guch area that there were no Jackass wax mannequins! So I took the liberty of making my own Johnny Knoxville mannequin. The plan was to make one, fly it down to LA(couch of course) and then try to actually get it into the Hollywood Wax Museum as a joke. Now the joke/prank has evolved!...

News: Screwed Awakening

I'm sure you've seen in The Parent Trap (or most likely on YouTube) a sleeping person set afloat so they wake up in the middle of a lake. I wanted to add a little more excitement to that concept. It would take a lot more preparation and skill, but ultimately we replace the lake with air. Pick your least favorite friend, wait until he's asleep, get him in a plane, strap him with a parachute, and film him as he opens his eyes to the earth thousands of feet below.

News: Coke Bombs

built a removable roof either a room or a car preferably in the back of a truck when a bunch of people are sleeping in a room, open the roof very quietly. have atleast 50-100 bottles of coke and mentos ready and throw at those people sleeping.

News: The Wet Potato Race!

Im Going to keep this short simple and disastorous. Opening Scene: The guys Ehren, Bam, Steve O, Pontious, England, and Preston are standing on the shore line of the Santa monica pier. Dressed in Speedo bathing suits, (pontious in the bunny lifeguard suit) all the guys will have watter skis on ready to take off from the shore line they are all holding ski ropes attached to a boat. Cut to: Boat being Captained by Henry Rollans and his trusty Ship Mate Johnny Knoxville. Rollans stands up and ye...

News: Operation Freakout 2

This one would be involving Ape (sorry Ape, I don't have anything against you.) Get some of the slimiest, creepiest creatures you can think of (besides a naked Novak) put them either in her bed whilst she is sleeping or her car. Plan A: If it's her bed, have a naked Novak jump to wake her up. She'll scream from that and start screaming even more when she realizes that there's slimy and creepy creatures in her bed (besies Nudie Novak). Her face will be priceless!Plan B: If it's her car, put th...

News: The Shitty massage

A massage worker calls a jackass memeber and says you just won a free 2 hour massage and we would like you to come [this day] and he will be there he will lay down on his tummy with nose plugs and the massager would open a little can with shit in it and say this is a cream that make's your back feeling good all day and then their wll be piss in a bottle and say its a water that makes you back have no wrinkels and then the massager will take off the nose plugs and then you will push the jackas...

News: car steal back

to set it up you park a car at a pretty busy car lot during closed hours, set up papers that look similar to the ones in the other, basically make them think that car is theirs to sell. Then duringg open hours, wait till a good crowd is near the set up car, run through, break the window with a brick or whatever you choose and act like your hotwiring it, then take off.

News: Operation Freak Out 1

Take something a friend hates ad/or fears with a passion, like snakes... fill his bed full of them, espcially a boa, whilst he's sleeping. Put shaving cream (or sperm) in said friend's hand before tickling his face with a feather so he'll smack himself with the creamed (or spermed) hand, waking up. Then you'll hear the sweet, sweet sounds of him screaming one he realizes there are snakes in his bed. Oh! And make sure to shake the bed to agitate the snakes a little ;) Thus ending Operation Fre...

News: Blindfold Football

What you do is get a bunch of the guys put blindfolds on them they have to run down a field with people holding Air soft guns, Paintball guns, crew members doing anything from stopping them from making it to the touch down mark. When it comes to anything they can throw things at them like rotten food, footballs. They can tackel them, Push them. Thats what I tougt of.

News: Rainbow Riot

Set-up Have one or two guys go to a place where there are people rioting and protesting against gay rights. The 2 guys need to be dressed kind of feminine or awkwardly like in speedo's or something. You can also wear disguises if you want, or don't, either way works.

News: Jump the Shark!

This prank/stunt pays tribute the original Happy Days episode that started the phrase, "Jump the Shark". The elaborate prank involves setting up a ski ramp to an ocean buoyed caged (a la Happy Days). The shark is a realistic animatronic rental (I looked into it...they do exist and can be used for ocean shoots). The unsuspecting skier (of your choosing) dresses like "The Fonz" ...except his leather jacket features chum-filled pockets with large chunks of fresh tuna attached to the jacket. As t...

News: Human foosball

forget that half assed human foosball, this is the real deal. set up a giant foosball game- strap your selves to some kind of revolving polls to flip you upside down like real foosball; throw in some balls filled with nasties (dog anal gland juice is the most foul smelling substance known to man) and let the game begin!

News: kangaroo boxing

This is a big salute to the freak shows and circuses of the victorian era, the era of the weird and downright wonderful;taxidermy squirrels in top hats having tea, bearded ladies and voyeurismso i propose a kangroo boxing fight tribute to the best freaks and morons of the era, get that cup out johnny you will need it.

News: Surprise Party

Get Bam to come to a party for the Jackass 3 movie. When he gets to where the party is have him enter the location and be greeted by many non poisonous snakes and lock the door but only for a little. When you unlock the door and he comes out give him a nice doce of paint balls and for even a little more shock outside of the door have one of those mats when you step on it a very loud alarm goes off and fire crackers. (for even more amusement tell him its a black tie occasion and get him to wea...