Everything Else

News: Taser Tag

Okay, so i thought laser tag in the dark with a lot of obstacles with a little bit of a twist. Every time you get shot you get shocked, bad. To get the feel of maybe even a taser with that shock. In the taser tag arena there will be many many many other things to get you hurt as well. It is in the dark so there would be marbles on the ground, hidden holes in the floor to fall in one of them which snakes will be in(Bam), things coming out of the wall to hit you in the face, or balls. Mouse tra...

News: Dethrone the King

In this prank, all of the cast members will be involved because let's be honest, it's funnier when all of the "talent" is getting hurt.The premise is that each one of the cast members will have to complete a stunt in order for the next one to start. There will be eight individual stunts -- one for Preston, Wee-Man, "Danger" Ehren, England, Dunn, Bam, Pontius, and Steve-O. Each cast members will start in an enclosed box. Once their box opens they will be released into a 60x60' area that will b...

News: The Shi**er

Have the toilet rigged up so when you push the handle a bucket of shit in the ceiling dumps on them, or have the toilet bowl hooked up to an air compress, so when it is flushed, it blows the shitty water rigt back at them

News: tennis ball drive by

its a much more intense game of dodge ball. jackass crew members will line up against a wall while another crew member peers out of the sun roof of a car with a tennisball launcher shooting tennis balls at the other crew members. idea 17

News: Balls From Above

Get 4 of the guys to challenge eachother in a doubles tennis match, once they enter the court and start playing get someone to chain the doors closed so they can't escape. Over the horizon they will here and see an attach helicopter approaching armed with mounted tennis ball guns and probably Johnny at the trigger. Begin the Attack!! The ones trying to climb over the fence should be easy to pick off. (sc. justin stafford?)

News: port o derby

two crew members will get in individual port o pottys. they will compete in a down hill race. i think its hilarious and will be pretty gross when they fall over going down hill. please pick one of my pranks. its been my dream like everyone else to be on jackass, this is my 15th submitted prank and im gonna submit as many possible to prove my effort. hopefully my hard work and dedication will pay off and ill cya in hollywood

News: Set up Jackass autograph signing but it wont be Jackass when people get there

So this one is going to be a prank on hundreds, maybe thousands of people. What you're going to do is advertise a Jackass autograph signing somewhere. Put up flyers or posts on Facebook or something like that to get people to come. Have a long ass table set up with a bunch of chairs so people think its a seat for each member of Jackass. Make people wait a little telling them the Jackass crew are running a little late. Then after a little while you can announce that Jackass has arrived and the...

News: Punking Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher said he'll never be Punk'd, but I think we can do it. The show is over, he'll never see it coming. So whats something thats close to Ashton that if something happened to it, he'll freak out? I know, his wife. So, for this one you're gonna have to get Demi Moore invovled with it. So this is the idea I have. Set Ashton up to leave his house for a little while, and when he gets back the whole house is going to be surrounded by cops. Have a bunch of cops and a SWAT team, maybe if e...

News: Limo driver arrested for kidnapping

Ok, so this is going to be a prank on the driver that picks us up from the airport when you guys fly us to L.A.. The driver will pick us up and all the way to where ever we're goin we'll just be cool or we could act like we're on the phone or something so he'll be wondering what we're doin it the back seat. Then he'll get pulled over by a bunch of cops, fake ones of course(or real if you want to ha), and they'll pull their guns out and tell him to get the fuck out of the car. The cops will be...

News: Fight For Your Hygiene

Fight 1v1, 2v2 or an all out free for all for the flag they must avoid sharp shooters holding plastic bb guns and get the flag without being knocked off by other players or the swinging hammer. If they fall off they land in a big pool of cow dung. The winner gets to take a shower.

News: Ex-Lax Challenge

To start off with, you need to have an activity to do while the challenge happens (poker, running, something....I prefer a poker game because it forces everyone to be near each other and bathrooms nearby) Everyone takes a laxative, wears an adult diaper and eats taco bell, and sits around playing poker. There are enough bathrooms for all but one person. The loser is the person that poops first, and as soon as they do everyone else can go relieve themselves. Afterwards, the loser can't change ...

News: It wasn't me.

Have a guy go into an enclosed area with a bunch of people such as an elevator or a public bus/taxi. Once in, secretly take out a bottle of 'Liquid Ass' and either spray a bunch or if it's a liquid spill some drops on the floor. Once the smell gets really bad and people are gagging or about to throw up...basically look around saying it wasn't you and blaming other people (such as the women).

News: forgot my baby

have someone walk out of a building then turn back and yell to the top story window that he forgot his baby. the man upstairs will act careless and act like hes too lazy to come down, he will then throw the fake baby out of the window. BTW HAVE A FAKE BABY. kinda obvious lol

News: some BMX S#@&

Get a pool and fill it with shit and then have dave, try to jump over it with a bmx bike, and rig the bmx bike seat by putting a air bag underneath it, and as soon as he gets to the top of the ramp have wee man stick a steel pole inside the front spokes, and have the airbag go off which will make him fly up and as he's flying have knoxville, bam, and dunn shoot him with paintball guns.

News: Wig head (couldn't spell manniquin)....jk

You need a car with a sun roof. You get the wig head and act like it's a real person standing up with their head out of the sun roof. All of a sudden, you slam on the brakes, and the head goes flying. Or, you drive past one of the Jackass gang and they hit the head with a baseball bat or golf club Like Tiger's ex-wife did. Again, the head goes flying, hopefully to scare the shit out of some unsuspecting bystander.

News: Designated Decoy

This will be a prank on cops. You've heard of a designated driver, right? Well this is the designated decoy.Have. a bunch of guys at a bar or club, somewhere that has cops outside looking for drunks. Have a group of people walk out of the bar and have one of the guys look completely drunk, stumbling and slurring. Make sure the cops see him walk up to his car. He'll be trying over and over trying to put his keys in the car to unlock it. He'll drop them, scratch his car and shit. He'll finally ...