Everything Else

News: Bubba's Night Out

Johnny Knoxville should dress up like a hard-core redneck and go to the hardest gangster rap club in LA and try to blend. It would be hilarious if he tried to pick-up on pretty ladies and deliberately got out on the dance floor for a dance. A disguise of corse will be needed and should consist of usual redneck clothes complete with mullet in tow. At some point he should act so drunk that he somehow takes over the DJ table and and puts on any George Jones song. This prank could possibly includ...

News: Icy Aqualaunch

This skit is very simple. Find an icy lake, like unimaginably cold ice water. Set up an airtube (water trampoline) with a platform above it. Have one cast member stand up on the platform ready to jump on one end while another cast member sits on the other end... naked of course... ready to be launched into the freezing cold water.

News: Steve-O Keeps it Down

So, everytime I see Steve-O eat something he always throws it back up. That's how he must be so skinny. I don't know. Any who, I think a good skit for you guys to pull would be for Steve-O to eat all kinds af crazy shh---stuff ;-) and not throw it back up. If he throws up he has to eat more! The other cast members of Jackass should chose what to feed poor Steve-O. Oh I just thought of one thing... I guess it was a better idea to throw up the live gold fish rather than keep it down... otherwis...

News: Cancer Patient Beg-Off

Have someone shave all the hair on their head, but make sure to do it badly. Intentionally miss patches of hair on the eyebrows and head, and make sure to try to get some razorburn for that obviously-just-shaved look. You could also use an electric hair trimmer to leave a little bit of hair and make it even more obvious. Leave the hair on your arms or wherever else as if you forgot to shave it. The point is to be completely unconvincing.

News: W.M.D (Wedgie of Mass Destruction)

The receiver of the wedgie, would by laying on he ground, preferably face down, with they're underpants securely fastened to some strong cord, at each hip. The cord, would be then tied to the pegs of a BMX bicycle ( if you wished to extreme it up a little you could use a motorised scooter of some sort :P ).

News: Lube Bounce

Rent a moon-bounce. Cover the inside of the moon-bounce with lube. Take 4-6 blind-folded crew members and put them in the moon-bounce. Feisty on-lookers can add to the fun by throwing lube balloons or lube-soaked sponged into the moon-bounce. You'll get great spills, great collisions and great laughs :)

News: New Hair Bet

You buy some booze and invite your "friends" to come have a drink with you and when they show up you start drinking and propose a bet say I bought the alcohol and invited you assholes so the first person to pass out tonight has to have a eating contest with who ever I say the next day... and they should most likely all agree because it seems so harmless....

News: Roller Racer Wipeout

Remember the old Roller Racer? Well, bring it back Jackass style. Find a long, straight, steep outdoors stair case that has a lot of flat space at the bottom. A very long wood board will have to be measured by a wood wholesaler to fit the stair case from top to bottom.The rider will be wrapped in bubble wrap (or an oversized animal costume) and ride the Roller Racer down the staircase board to the bottom at frightening speeds and likely wipeout at the bottom. The bubble wrap (or animal costum...

News: Pickup Truck Baths in the Ritz

Use any kind of pickup truck and fill the truck bed with soapy water. I will be the driver and will pull up to a parking space on a visible spot of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills near the shopping district. I will be offering $2 baths to the homeless in the back of the truck.Ryan Dunn, Dave, and Ehren will be dressed as bearded homeless guys and walk up to me wanting a bath. They will briefly argue about having to pay because they're homeless but will eventually pay the two bucks, undress down ...

News: Mirror Image

While a cast member is our filming a prank, perhaps over a weekend, go into their house or appartment and turn everything upside down. By that I mean permanently fix all the household furnature (ie. desks, bookshelves, bed, fridge) to the ceiling. So he'll return to find his world had been turned upside down... literally.

News: Haunted House

When bams parents are out get a crew to go in the house and rig it all up all over the house to make it seem like its haunted. later when bams parents get back, they get back to everyone pretending to do the ouiji board or something and get april to get all worked up about spirits and everthing. then when they go to bed after everone else leaves slowly activate one at a time the hauntings, like the door opening then voices or the tv turning on to the white static and have wee-man in some kind...

News: Slept for Years

get someone you know that is a very heavy sleeper and have them sllep over. when he/she falls into a deep sleep, drive him/her to an older looking house and everything around it looks older. when he/she wakes up you all are in your old people looking costumes and tell him/her they were asleep for years.

News: "The Ice Cold and Gold for Tots Trick"

Here's a winner! You have to go to kind of a backwoods ass town where Jackass might not be too known to make this believable. You set up sort of a small "village bar" in the middle of town where there's a lot of foot traffic.You'll bring a gathering of kids with various heights and let them in on the stunt. The "bar" has to be set at just the right height to where some kids can see over the bar counters and some can't. The stunt is to set up an outdoor village "beer bar" that is only served d...

News: Matrix Bullet Time


News: Human Tyre

wat u will need tractor tyres big balls a big hill a ramp dung spreader and a human cow for breaks this 1 is kinda self explanatory pick ur tyre climb inside get a push ride the hill fly the jump get sprayed with shit then run a human cow over hahahaha makes me laugh just thinking about it garentee this will be hillarious to watch im from britain so im not eligable for the compo but reading this must have made u laugh so if u have space for it please use it thanks for reading rick

News: Pallet Potty

I don't have any pictures; however, I did experience the most challenging event ever! My Best friend and I live in a very "bon fire friendly" area (not much to do while under age, so we would frequent the motorcycle park and made many friends! One time, we had 4 wood pallets burning on a hot camp fire, the flames were about two feet above the fire ring, then the urge to visit the little girl's room hit me and I had to tinkle. Since the boys could go anywhere, I interpreted that as a challenge...

News: Catholic School Parade

i know it's a simple prank but i thought it wuld be funny to have Knoxville, Pontius, Dunn, O, England, Weeman, and Preston dress in their gayest or most revealing outfits and parade around in a catholic school with gay techno blasting through boombox and wave around the rainbow logo flag

News: Hidden Foam Pit

Take a layer of foam (from a couch or bed). Cut a square in the ground place the foam in the ground cut the top 3 inches of grass off and put on top of foam make it look like nothing happened, then wait for the mark to walk out of front door and fall into it.T

News: Bam's Treasure Swim

This is for BAM. Bam has to skateboard into a fish tank which he reckons will be full of parna's that eat vegetables. At the bottom of the tank are bags full of money. He has to get them as soon as he can. He gets in by skating up a skate ramp. The ramp is removed once he's in the tank. The tank is a few feet taller than him so he can't get out. While the whole time water is pumping inside it. Once he dives for the first cash sack you put in snakes that Bam hates the most :D Easy!

News: Drinking Time Machine

Okay, so what you have to do is get someone really drunk and get them to pass out. Then, when they're knocked out, take out all of the electronics, and replace them with old books, typewriters, candles, etc. and make them think they drank themselves to the past.

News: extreme beer pong

set up just like beer pong but with a jackass twist if you miss you get 30 seconds in the penalty box(portapotty which inside is covered in shit,bloody tampons and piss) while its being rolled down a hill, but if everyone is in the penaly box the contestants will have a group penalty which is they have to rub the bloody tampons on their face. if you make it in the first cup you get away free for the round, make it in the second row and you have to stick the tampons on your forehead for the en...

News: Fridge Freak Madness

go into a fridge store and hide inside a bunch of random fridges, then put a huge sale sign outside the store and when people come in to look at new fridges to buy you pop out of the fridge in a costume, or naked, and scare the crap out of them