Hot Jackass 3D Contest News Stories

News: The FlyScream Cone

This is called the FlyScream Cone: You go to a them park where they have a bungee swing. The one that raises a person and once release they swing from side to side. In this case you one person strapped in and ready to go. One the bottom you have someone holding an ice cream cone. The first person gets released and he zooms down towards the second person holding the ice cream. his goal is to lick the ice cream as he zooms by. There you have it, the "FlyScream cone"

News: the slimy ass shoot out

ok jackasses this is the ultimate prank.. ok what you have to do is when someone is sleeping suprise them with an airhorn, then with a bucket of all sorts of bugs, snakes, shit , and piss. then when they jump up and are like what the hell butter the floor and put marbles everywhere so they slip really bad. and then when there on the ground you put peanut butter all over them and put a but load of rats and mice in the room and shut the door then lock it so they cant get out. After you hear the...

News: Get Dico!

well bam is terrorfied of snakes, put a big ass snake in the backseat of a car then lock him inside but there is a way to get out i dunno thats your creation.attack somebody like dico in his sleep with like the whole crew shooting paintballs at him lol its just a random prank

News: Fake airplane CRASH!!!

You guys should play a prank on the the whole cast and load them on a fake airplane,but the plane has to look legit! as they take off everything seems to be going to plan but then all of a sudden a little bit of turnblence occurs then red hazzard light and alram start going off the plane begings to tilt downward! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the pilot says over the intercom were GOING DOWN WERE GOING DOWN!!! THE PLANE IS SHAKING OUT OF CONTROL AHHHH AHAHAHAH what i would give to see the look on the...

News: Ass Backwards

have someone go on to a city bus.... pay the fare....then when they go to walk down the isle the bus driver must look in the mirror to make sure that they have had a seat....the trick is the person has an open backside on the pants they are underwear or a G string/ thong on a dude

News: Funeral

Get someone tied up inside a coffin. Drive around in a hearse and make sure the coffin falls off the back. As people help put it back in the car, make the person tied up jump out and run off, half naked.

News: Suck Queen Neck Rape

Ive noticed when Im drunk I SUCK HARD. By that I mean I give some serious hickeys. Not a little romantic pink mouth size thing. Im talkin some major black, blue, purple, red broken blood capillary, teeth included, raping the whole side of a neck type shit. It looks majorly brutal and takes months to go away.

News: eee yea

one i had in mind is you pick up a mexican worker by the home depot and you pay him to get on the metro bus with you and you have a gag in your mouth and a spiked collar and he whips you on the bus while your hand cuffed up i did that before shits the best !or another one is you go to any fast food place and go up to the cash register and ask the worker for 1 back flip to go then after you say that climb on the counter and do a back flip

News: The Rolling Barrels

the point of this is to see who can get to the top the fastest or who ever lasts the longest well 3 people will be blind folded doesn't matter who and they will be at the bottom of a hill and then they will be blind folded and they roll wooden barrels down and see who wins or what happens.

News: shit bag

have a bag full of your shit or dogs and then stab holes in it and when the trash man come the next day when they go to throw it in there truck the shit will ethier spill on them or on the ground on there shoes

News: Never Drinking Again, Worst Hangover Wakeup

If you've gotten drunk and had a hangover, you know how bad it can be in the morning. The slightest thing is like tortue. This will make someone never wanna drink again. It gets pretty good, so you gotta read it all. Ok, get someone to drink very heavy that doesnt drink that often. We can do this the night you fly us out to L.A.. Say its to celebrate us winning.Set up a bunch of alarm clocks in their room(loud noises suck)Aim a bright light right in their eyes and when they wake up turn it on...

News: The sperm balloon fight!

Ok.... the guys all get together to surprise BAM with a waterballoon fight only there isnt just water in these balloons lol.....One special color balloon will have the contents of a hillbilly cocktail! Gather the sperm of a few farm animals and you will have a nice hillbilly cocktail! Now the best part in my opinion is that BAM is convinced that its water and wont mind a shot to the face lol.....With carefull planning this could be some funny material.

News: accupuncture or needle darts

As a young boy, my mom would leave her sewing needle, with a length of thread, sticking in the arm of our couch while she did other mom things. I found it to be very fun to sling it by holding the thread, at my siblings or dad, to get it to stick in their skin. We always coverd our eyes since that was the only vital spot we didnt want to hit. I cant begin to tell you how hilarious it was. We laughed our ass's off the way you guys do. I have wanted to see you guys do this prank since you first...

News: Satan Surprise!

Synopsis: Tell one guy that a girl that one of the other guys knows just had some sketchy demonic encounter/satanic experience at some Wicca gathering she went to last night while she was trying to get answers from the past. Then say she’s incredibly creeped out right now and is home alone tonight so they are going to seize the opportunity(while she’s still scared) and have him dress up as Satan himself and go to her house late at night and “appear” to her in her bedroom. (Don’t be overly des...

News: Stalking Pizza Delivery Boy Part 2

Ok, this part 2 of stalking a pizza delivery boy or girl. The first one was a true story, but this one was just thought of. So, you can go to a pizza place and order a pizza and they usually ask if you're gonna wait or just have them deliver it. Well go to a pizza place and order a pizza and say you want it delivered, but instead of leaving just wait there until the pizza is done. They'll bring the pizza to you, but you'll say you wanted it delivered. Make the kid take it to your house and yo...

News: Stalking Pizza Delivery Boy part 1

Ok, this is part 1 of two ideas with stalking a pizza delivery boy or girl. Also, part 1 is actually a true story. What you do is order a pizza and wait in your car for the guy to deliver your pizza. When he gets there just wait in your car and watch him. Once he gives up trying to get you to answer your door and he starts moving towards his next house you just keep following him where ever he goes. When ever he stops, pull up right behind him and flash your brights a couple times. This will ...

News: Fake death on my family

Ok, I dont care what prank we pull on my family. If they think I'm dead for a day or two, I think that would be great! My original idea for this I think was going too far or actually would have taken too much time and probably would have cost too much money. Hopefully this wouldnt cost too much, 'cause I think this would be funny as fuck! ha. Ok, well my family will know you're gonna be flying me out to L.A.. What if we make a plane crash and call my family and tell them that thats the plane ...

News: Oxy Acetylene Spark Plug

I first wanted to say I think its really cool what you guys are doing being involved with your fans. I learned this in the oil field, what you do is use an oxy-acetylene mixture which can be acquired from any cutting torch. You fill plastic bags or gatorade bottles or whatever with the mixture then take out the spark plugs from the engine block of a vehicle and tape the bags or bottles to the spark plugs of a truck. When the individual turns on the pickup and when each plug fires will be a sm...

News: 4in1

You could do this in a car or any were!!antique someone their first reaction is to throw their hands up. Then ducktape their hands to the face or head and punch or kick them in the nutts then push them over and shave their head.Warnings

News: a shi**y banana

shit in an empty banana peel then super glue it shut, set up a banana eating contest where you have to be blindfolded and finish the bananas as fast as you can. then place the shitty banana in the bunch that you have to eat

News: Jackass 3D Prank Contest Winner Prank

Pick a winner from the mass amounts of contestants. When their flight gets there, have a limo (a real shitty one) pick them up to charter them to a desired location. On the way the Limo driver gets pulled over (fake cop of course) and the Limo driver goes to jail for warrants. The contestant will be left alone until the wrecker service comes to tow the Limo. The wrecker driver then offers the contestant a ride to the destination but he has to make a quick stop first. The wrecker driver asks t...