This requires a baby costume skateboard ramp and a miniture house to set on fire. One or more of the Jackass crew dresses up as a baby skateboards or bikes down the ramp busting through the window th ...
This has nothing to do with the US postal service.There was a western made in 1942 called "Jackass Mail". Have the gang remake an X-rated version of the movie or redo some of the best 3 Stooges scenes ...
Have some of the Jackass crew poop in a purse. Or use elephant poop....and fill the bottom of the purse. Cover the poop with makeup, tissues, personal items, etc. that you'd normally find in a purse. ...
Okay so everyone remembers the classic video game donkey kong right? Well we basically do something along the lines of that. Have a larger person dressed up or painted to look like a gorilla standing ...
Ok, so all you need is some paintball guns, some marshmallows, some fishing line and someone that is an unnaturally heavy sleeper. Since you guys got money, attach the paintball guns to individual sta ...
Ryan Dunn is place nude and handcuffed in a small chair or sitting on the floor of a small room. He is then completely covered in a large pile of meat and bone scraps.Next. one after another, various ...
The purpose of this stunt is to have the Jackass guys dress up in nothing but speedos and shoot each other with paintballs in an all out paintball battle. Then, Preston Lacy comes over in a tank-like ...
We will need a small dark room. In the room have a ceiling fan rigged up with so that the blades are tilted downward and automatic paintball guns are tied to the blades. Rig the light switch so that i ...
Set up a double date with one of your good friends and a couple ladies. Once you are ready you, tell your friend to come on over and have a drink before we go out just to loosen up and get out any pos ...